Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 2011 Update

Our November meeting was held at Verner.  We conducted our business meeting and Pledge Ceremony.
Welcome to our new pledge members!  Thanks to Maurine, Celetrius, and Martha for sponsoring them.
Meri Catherine, Sonia, & Shea

Our Altruistic project for November was
a donation to the Arthritis Foundation .
Karen's son is raising money to fight this disease.

Finally, we enjoyed a time of fellowship, refreshments, and painting!  Thanks to Karen for instructing.

Look for details about our December meeting (DEC. 3rd) in an email.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October Meeting Highlights

Greetings and Happy Founders' Month
Hopefully, by now, you've celebrated Alpha Delta Kappa Month.  Be sure to send pictures of your activities so that we can forward them to the state.

At our October meeting, we nominated pledges. Thanks to Martha, Maurine, and Celetrius for nominations!  Then we shared a special Founders' Program written by Kathy Burns, Gulf IVP as well as a brief history of Epsilon Chapter. After the program, we enjoyed a time of fellowship with yummy snacks. Thank you Cathy and Martha! Our meeting ended with pampering from Dawn, a Mary Kay representative.  We all enjoyed treating ourselves to a mini facial.  When we left, our skin was clean, moisturized and ready for bedtime!

Our November meeting is Thursday, November 17th at Verner.  We will have our pledge ceremony and then paint with Karen.  You don't want to miss this!  Our altruistic project is very special for November.
Look for details in an email.  (Thanks Vicki, for a great idea!)

Please mark your calendars for important dates in 2012:
April 13-15 State Convention in Point Clear
June 11-16 District Conventions - here in town, hosted by Zeta chapter
July 12-14 - Gulf Region Convention in Augusta, GA

NOTE - Hostesses for the remaining meetings have been assigned and updated in the sidebar

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September Meeting Highlights

Twelve sisters enjoyed a delicious covered dish supper and fellowship before our September meeting.  We missed those of you who weren't able to join us and hope to see you soon!  We celebrated our new chapter status as a SEVEN PEARL CHAPTER!

Highlights and important information:

We signed up to be hostesses for the remaining meetings. If you weren't able to be at the meeting, please contact Deanna to sign up to bring snacks to one meeting.  We need 2 more hostesses for October!  Meeting dates and Hostesses are in the sidebar on the right. If you would like to volunteer your home to host a meeting, or if you have a great program idea, please contact Deanna.

Please bring names of potential pledges or reinstatement members to the October meeting.  Contact former members personally to ask them if they're interested in reinstating.  Our Membership Goal is 5 new pledges and 4 more reinstatements!  The following criteria are from the international website:
Membership in Alpha Delta Kappa shall be by invitation only and shall be effected through organizing new chapters and through increasing membership in established chapters.

To be eligible for active membership in Alpha Delta Kappa, a woman
a. Shall have been in the education profession for two (2) or more years.
b. Shall be under contract in teaching, in administration, or some specialized field of education.
c. Shall meet one (1) of the following requirements:
(1) Shall have graduated from an accredited college or university with a degree in education;
(2) Shall, in the United States, have met the requirements for teacher certification, administrative certification, or certification in a specialized field of education in the state in which she is employed.
(3) Shall, in a country other than the United States, have met the requirements for teacher certification, administrative certification, or certification in a specialized field of education in the country in which she is employed.

We need volunteers to serve on the following committees:  budget, ways and means, altruism, programs. Please contact Deanna to volunteer.

Our altruism donation for September is to Project Blessings.  We were able to use money from our general fund to contribute to this local worthy cause.  Other projects for the year will be announced soon.

Last year you were given a hard copy of the chapter yearbook for the biennium.  This year, updates will be available on the blog in the sidebar.  If you would like a hard copy of updates, please contact Deanna.

New officers for the 2012-2014 Biennium will be elected and installed in the spring.
Please consider serving your chapter as an officer.  Also, if you are interested in leadership at the state level, please contact Deanna for the application process. 

Next Meeting - THURSDAY, October 20 at 6:00 p.m. - We will commemorate Founders' Month. Location/directions will follow in a reminder email. 

FROM the International Website:
"The International Executive Board has voted to establish the second Wednesday of each October as Pink Day during Breast Awareness Month. This is a day on which every Alpha Delta Kappa member can wear something pink to show their support of the fight against breast cancer.  The date for 2011 is October 12.  Please mark that on your calendar"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 2011

Greetings Epsilon Sisters!  Our first meeting of this school year is this Thursday, Sept. 22.
We will meet at 6:00 and directions to our meeting location are in your email.
Please bring a covered dish to share. 
Hope to see you there!

If you have questions, contact Deanna.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Meeting Cancelled

Our May meeting was cancelled in the aftermath of the tornado. Our guest painting instructor will be rescheduled in the fall. Have a safe and restful summer.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April/May 2011

Thanks to all the sisters who were able to attend the Scholarship Reception Thursday night.
Our recipients were so grateful for the school supplies and donation.  Thank you Trisha for hosting us in your beautiful home! 

Our May meeting will be Thursday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the TDOT building.  (Directions to follow in an email.)
We will be painting with Karen (sips 'n' strokes style).
The cost for the class is $15.00.  This includes all supplies and instruction.
We will not have hostesses, but you're welcome to bring snacks if you'd like.  There are drink & snack machines in the room we're using.

May Meeting Altruism - please remember to bring a children's book or school supply for the Sunshine School - to be delivered at the Fun Day this summer.
Also remember that our district is responsible for trial size hand lotions for gift baskets.
More details about Fun Day will follow in an email.  If you're planning to attend, be advised that the registration is due May 15th.  Please let me know if you're going so we can carpool or caravan.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Update

Thanks to everyone for a great March meeting and altruistic project. The baskets turned out so cute, they looked professionally made! Cathy, Trisha, Angelia and I delivered them to the hospital the next day. If you're interested in visiting the pediatric floor to personally hand out a basket, contact Tracy-the pediatric nursing supervisor.

Please remember our April meeting this Thursday at Trisha's house. Directions will follow in an email. We will conduct business at 5:00, then honor our scholarship recipients at 5:30. NOTE the time change, to accommodate those attending Maundy Thursday services. Vicki & Lisa, thanks for helping me with communicating to the recipients.

Remember that we are giving each recipient a monetary gift, but we also are bringing school supplies to help them start their first year of teaching.  No need to wrap these, we'll put them in a basket.

If you've had a change of address, phone number, or email address, please let me know.  The Member Update record will be mailed to international after this week's meeting.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 2011 Update

I hope you've all enjoyed a wonderful and restful spring break. Thanks to all the sisters who helped with the Joint Initiation Ceremony in February. Three new members were initiated into Zeta chapter.

Please remember our meeting this Thursday, March 24, at 5:00.
NOTE THE TIME CHANGE.  We had to back up our time in order to secure the location.
We will meet upstairs at the public library.  We will conduct business first, then make Easter baskets for the pediatric floor of the hospital.  Please refer to your email for details.
The baskets are about 8.5" x 9.5".  I already have the grass, ribbon, plastic wrap, and BUNNY EARS! for each basket. :)  Here's a picture of one I made up just to be sure the plastic bags fit.  It'll be cuter with ribbon. 
If you're not able to come at 5:00, please join us when you can to help make the baskets.  We have to be finished, cleaned up, and out of there by 6:45.  So, "many hands make light work" - and quick Easter baskets. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February Update

Thanks again to Tara, our guest speaker, for our January meeting.

We all learned some great tips on saving money and using coupons to their full advantage! 

We also shared a few laughs over how to pronounce coupon - Q-or coo?

Thanks also to our host, Kristi, for sharing her beautiful home with us.  Thank you hostesses for a yummy spread!  Thanks Calondra for taking these pictures. 

Several pounds of birdseed were collected at the meeting & delivered to Hospice of West Alabama.  I'm sure the birds appreciated it in their feeders during the snow.  I know the patients and their families enjoy watching the birds.

Please remember our February Meeting, this Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at Verner.
We will be hosting the Joint Initiation Ceremony with Zeta and Alpha Sigma chapters attending.  I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011 Epsilon Sisters!  I hope you're all rested and refreshed after Christmas break and our extra two snow days. 
Thanks again to Barbara for hosting our Christmas brunch this year.  Her beautifully decorated home, as well as our fellowship and fun, got everyone into the Christmas spirit.  Thanks also to our hostesses for a lovely brunch. 

Please remember our January meeting, next Thursday night, January 20th, at Kristi's house.  Directions will follow in a separate email.  We will conduct our meeting at 5:30 p.m. so that our guest speaker can begin the program at 6:00 p.m.  Tara will tell us all about Extreme Couponing!  Remember that the class is $10 per person.  You are welcome to invite a guest to join us at 6:00 p.m.  Tara asked for a headcount so that she can prepare materials.  Please let me know by email if you can attend by MONDAY, Jan. 17th, and if you'll be bringing any guests.
Our altruistic project for January is birdseed for Hospice. 
Hostesses for this meeting are Vicki, Debbie, Regina, and Robbie.
I look forward to seeing you next week!