Hopefully, by now, you've celebrated Alpha Delta Kappa Month. Be sure to send pictures of your activities so that we can forward them to the state.
At our October meeting, we nominated pledges. Thanks to Martha, Maurine, and Celetrius for nominations! Then we shared a special Founders' Program written by Kathy Burns, Gulf IVP as well as a brief history of Epsilon Chapter. After the program, we enjoyed a time of fellowship with yummy snacks. Thank you Cathy and Martha! Our meeting ended with pampering from Dawn, a Mary Kay representative. We all enjoyed treating ourselves to a mini facial. When we left, our skin was clean, moisturized and ready for bedtime!
Our November meeting is Thursday, November 17th at Verner. We will have our pledge ceremony and then paint with Karen. You don't want to miss this! Our altruistic project is very special for November.
Look for details in an email. (Thanks Vicki, for a great idea!)
Please mark your calendars for important dates in 2012:
April 13-15 State Convention in Point Clear
June 11-16 District Conventions - here in town, hosted by Zeta chapter
July 12-14 - Gulf Region Convention in Augusta, GA
NOTE - Hostesses for the remaining meetings have been assigned and updated in the sidebar
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