Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Update

Thanks to everyone for a great March meeting and altruistic project. The baskets turned out so cute, they looked professionally made! Cathy, Trisha, Angelia and I delivered them to the hospital the next day. If you're interested in visiting the pediatric floor to personally hand out a basket, contact Tracy-the pediatric nursing supervisor.

Please remember our April meeting this Thursday at Trisha's house. Directions will follow in an email. We will conduct business at 5:00, then honor our scholarship recipients at 5:30. NOTE the time change, to accommodate those attending Maundy Thursday services. Vicki & Lisa, thanks for helping me with communicating to the recipients.

Remember that we are giving each recipient a monetary gift, but we also are bringing school supplies to help them start their first year of teaching.  No need to wrap these, we'll put them in a basket.

If you've had a change of address, phone number, or email address, please let me know.  The Member Update record will be mailed to international after this week's meeting.

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