Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April/May 2011

Thanks to all the sisters who were able to attend the Scholarship Reception Thursday night.
Our recipients were so grateful for the school supplies and donation.  Thank you Trisha for hosting us in your beautiful home! 

Our May meeting will be Thursday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the TDOT building.  (Directions to follow in an email.)
We will be painting with Karen (sips 'n' strokes style).
The cost for the class is $15.00.  This includes all supplies and instruction.
We will not have hostesses, but you're welcome to bring snacks if you'd like.  There are drink & snack machines in the room we're using.

May Meeting Altruism - please remember to bring a children's book or school supply for the Sunshine School - to be delivered at the Fun Day this summer.
Also remember that our district is responsible for trial size hand lotions for gift baskets.
More details about Fun Day will follow in an email.  If you're planning to attend, be advised that the registration is due May 15th.  Please let me know if you're going so we can carpool or caravan.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Update

Thanks to everyone for a great March meeting and altruistic project. The baskets turned out so cute, they looked professionally made! Cathy, Trisha, Angelia and I delivered them to the hospital the next day. If you're interested in visiting the pediatric floor to personally hand out a basket, contact Tracy-the pediatric nursing supervisor.

Please remember our April meeting this Thursday at Trisha's house. Directions will follow in an email. We will conduct business at 5:00, then honor our scholarship recipients at 5:30. NOTE the time change, to accommodate those attending Maundy Thursday services. Vicki & Lisa, thanks for helping me with communicating to the recipients.

Remember that we are giving each recipient a monetary gift, but we also are bringing school supplies to help them start their first year of teaching.  No need to wrap these, we'll put them in a basket.

If you've had a change of address, phone number, or email address, please let me know.  The Member Update record will be mailed to international after this week's meeting.