Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November, already?

It's hard to believe how quickly this year has flown by.  It's November already! 
At our October meeting, we enjoyed a time of snacks, fellowship, business, and observance of Founders' Month.  I hope each of you celebrated Alpha Delta Kappa during October. 
Our November meeting has been tricky to schedule.  We settled on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 6:00 p.m. at Verner.  Hostesses for the November meeting are Kristi, Sherry, Tracy, and Gladys.  At the meeting, we will have the Pledge and Reinstatement Ceremonies.  If you nominated a pledge or know of a reinstatement, please inform them of the date/place/time.
Also remember to bring your bears (at least 13-15" tall).  These will either go to the state project or to local police/fire stations.
Dues are $60.00  If you haven't remitted them, please do so at the November meeting or by pony to Lisa at Verner. Thank you!

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