Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April Update

Our March meeting included business, fellowship, and our altruistic project.
We made Easter baskets for the pediatric floor at DCH. Thanks to all who contributed items, helped assemble baskets, and to the sisters who delivered them!

Our April meeting will be held TUESDAY, April 24th.  The date was changed to accommodate those who may travel for the spring holiday that Friday.  We will meet at Kristi's home.  (directions will follow in an email)
After our business meeting at 6:00, we will honor our scholarship recipient.  Please bring school or office supplies to "shower" her for her new classroom.  
Hostesses this month are Leanna, Gladys, Anita, & Mandy.